Hyderabad:Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Friday asked officials to look into how the Independence Day, Republic Day and state Formation Day functions could be organised without causing any discomfort to the people.
"Rao instructed the officers concerned to examine possibilities of organizing the Independence Day, the Republic Day and the State Formation Day Celebrations without causing any inconvenience to the people and also to conduct more gloriously and decently", a release from his office said.
During the review, discussions were held on whether the Independence (Day), Republic Day and the State Formation Day celebrations could be conducted in the same fashion as in the past or if there should be changes.
Meeting, held in the presence of cabinet minister Koppulu Eshwar, also discussed there was a need to involve school children, police Jawans and others for the state formation day on June 2, likely to be a very high temperature day.
Rao asked Chief Secretary S K Joshi to take a final decision after consultations with officials, on where and how to conduct the celebrations and if any changes are to be made, it said.
The release also said the programme details for state formation day on June 2 have been finalised.