New Delhi: The Congress on Friday said that the government should spell out its nuclear policy clearly and remove any ambiguity over it, after Defence minister Rajnath Singh's comment on 'no first use' for nuclear weapons.
Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said that his party and the entire country will stand behind the government on the country's nuclear policy, but it needs to be spelt out clearly.
The defence minister said on Friday that India remained "firmly committed" to the doctrine of 'no first use' for nuclear weapons but what happens in future depends on circumstances.
Reacting to the statement, Singhvi said, "It is a somewhat ambiguous statement, the defence minister either intends to keep us guessing or seeks to announce a change in policy, then the country would be happy to know what the new policy is. Not in ambiguous half phrases, but in a full one paragraph declared policy."
"This is a very serious issue and it cannot be communicated in ambiguity. There is a need for clarity on this and I urge the government to come out clearly," he added.