New Delhi:A special court in Delhi on Wednesday granted the Enforcement Directorate and the Central Bureau of Investigation time till February 1 to complete the investigation into the Aircel Maxis case involving former Union Minister P Chidambaram, his son Karti Chidambaram and others.
Special Judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar of Rouse Avenue court adjourned the matter for February 1 after the Additional Solicitor General Sanjay Jain, representing the agencies, sought time due to the pendency of Letters Rogatory (LRs) in several countries.
Arguments on cognizance of the chargesheet are pending before the court. Jain, who virtually appeared for the agencies, submitted that Singapore Authorities have raised certain queries on which ED is responding soon.
He said since the investigation is still pending qua LRs issued to the different countries including the UK and Singapur, therefore, the matter may be adjourned for arguments on the point of cognizance.
Earlier, Jain had informed the court that agencies have sent LRs to different countries and there are some developments in that regard.