Kanpur: An eight-member Special Investigation Team (SIT) is set up by Kanpur police to probe allegations into several cases of forced conversion on the pretext of marriage. The decision was taken after about 11 cases of 'love jihad' were reported in the past one month from the same district and Hindu organisations met inspector-General, IG, Kanpur Mohit Agarwal demanding a probe into the matter.
The issue surfaced after a Kanpur woman, Shalini Yadav, married a Muslim man, Faisal, in July. The girl's family alleged of love jihad , though the couple approached Delhi court, denying allegations of forced conversion. Shalini even uploaded a video In the social media, claiming that she had married and converted out of her own free will. The SIT led by Deepak Bhuker, superintendent of police, Kanpur (South), has been told to look into any fixed pattern or modus operandi behind the alleged incidents, the official said. The special investigation team (SIT) will also investigate the alleged role of Islamic organisations in such cases.
Interestingly, most of the cases of alleged love jihad are being reported from Juhi area. The SIT will investigate if any Islamic organisation has a role in funding the 'love jihad' racket in Kanpur, an official said."There is a strong possibility that some Islamic outfits may be providing financial assistance to a handful of organisations involved in such anti-national acts," the official claimed. Police are looking into the conspiracy angle to ascertain if youths involved in this are being funded from foreign countries.