Mumbai:Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Monday claimed his party "laid the road" to the Ram temple in Ayodhya and removed the main roadblocks in the run-up to the temple's construction "not for politics", but out of faith and for the cause of Hindutva.
Talking to reporters, Raut said Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray always
visits Ayodhya and the ties between the party and the Uttar Pradesh town are "intact".
Raut made the remarks when he was asked whether Thackeray will visit Ayodhya on August 5 when Prime Minister
Narendra Modi is likely to visit the town for the Bhoomi Pujan ceremony to begin the construction of a grand Ram
"Uddhav Thackeray always goes to Ayodhya. He went (to Ayodhya) when he was not a chief minister (of Maharashtra), he went there after becoming chief minister too," Raut said.
"The ties of the Shiv Sena and Ayodhya are intact. It is not a political relation. We do not go to Ayodhya for
politics and did not go there (for politics in the past too)," the Rajya Sabha member said.
"Rather, it is the Shiv Sena which laid the road to the Ram temple. The Shiv Sena removed the main roadblocks in
the run-up to the construction of the temple at the place where Lord Ram was born. That was not for politics. But the Shiv Sainiks made sacrifices out of faith and Hindutva. And our relationship is intact," he said.
Raut said the prime minister will visit Ayodhya after the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teertha Kshetra - the trust set up
for the temple construction - invited the latter.
He said that it needs to be seen how many people will be invited for the ceremony and what social distancing measures will be taken (in view of the COVID-19 outbreak).