Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Wednesday hailed the Supreme Court's judgment directing the government to grant permanent commission to women officers in the Army has 'historic' and said the Centre's stand of opposing command postings for women was "regressive" and an insult to them.
An editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' termed the Supreme Court order as the victory of "women power", and said the Centre needs to change its attitude and vision.
The apex court's verdict meant there was a problem in the central government's "mental frame", it said. In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court on Monday directed that women officers in the Army be granted permanent commission and command postings, rejecting the Centre's stand of their physiological limitations as being based on "sex stereotypes" and "gender discrimination against women".
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Referring to it, the Sena said, "The Supreme Court said there can be no gender bias when it comes to bravery and sacrifice. The verdict is the victory of women power."
It is shocking that the central government should question the physical capacity and mental strength of women, the Marathi publication said. "The Centre's stand reflects the regressive mindset and this is an insult to women," it said.