New Delhi: The Supreme Court ordered the immediate release of the journalist Prashant Kanaujia who was arrested by the UP police for posting a tweet and a video about UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Justice Indira Banerjee said, "We do not appreciate these tweets but the question is should he be put behind the bars?"
Further, she said that proceedings should be carried against him in accordance with the law.
SC orders immediate release of journalist Prashant Kanaujia The vacation bench comprising Indira Banerjee and Ajay Rastogi observed that the arrest was illegal and was deprivation of personal liberty.
Besides, Jagdisha Arora, wife of Prashant Kannaujia, had filed a petition in Supreme Court appealing for his release.
Prashant Kannaujia, a former journalist, posted a video on Thursday, about Yogi Adityanath in which a woman claimed that she was in a relationship with the UP CM and wanted to marry him.
He was arrested by the UP police under section 500 of Indian Penal Code and section 66 of the Information Technology Act alleging that it was a defamation case against the chief minister.
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