New Delhi:The Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India SA Bobde and comprising of Justice BR Gavai and Justice Surya Kant has directed the Delhi High Court to hear the Delhi riots cases on Friday and deal with them expeditiously. The court also directed the HC to hear the petitions having the same subject of Delhi riots which are adjourned for a later date, to be heard in advance and explore the possibility of peaceful resolution.
"We think that adjournment for such long periods is unjustified," remarked CJI. He further said that the apex court doesn't want to hear the case as the Delhi HC is already dealing with the matter but the petitioners' prayer to be heard can also not be ignored. Orally CJI directed Advocate Collin Gonsalves, appearing for the petitioners, to suggest names of leaders to the Delhi HC who can talk to the political leaders considered as opponents to bring peace.
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On the arguments of registering FIR, the CJI said that there is no harm in registering the FIRs on people from both sides, it doesn't curtail anybody's rights. He also asked SG Tushar Mehta if this is the appropriate time to register FIRs. Leaving it to the authorities, Mehta said that the environment is better now with no fresh violence taking place from past three days but didn't agree on immediate filing of FIRs.