New Delhi: The mother of a 33-year-old woman, a BHEL employee who allegedly committed suicide due to sexual harassment at workplace, has filed a write petition before the Supreme Court seeking a direction to urgently transfer the criminal investigation in the case to the CBI from Telangana state police.
The case pertains to the unfortunate death of her daughter due to sexual harassment at her workplace at BHEL, Hyderabad.
Alakh Alok Srivastava, a lawyer for the mother, in his petition, stated that the petitioner's daughter was a bright, young and intelligent finance professional, having other qualifications. She had joined BHEL in 2009, at a young age of 23 years and served BHEL till her last breath i.e. till October 17, 2019, with utmost dedication and devotion to her duties.
There was not even an iota of complaint against her work or against her mental behaviour during her long association with BHEL, Srivasatava in his petition claimed.
She was sexually harassed, molested, stalked, mentally tortured and attempted to be raped by her own supervisor and by her own office colleagues at BHEL, Hyderabad, which forced her to ultimately commit suicide on October 17, 2019, at a young age of merely 33, the petition claimed. The petitioner, herein, being an aggrieved mother, is seeking justice for her daughter.