New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by Justice MM Shantanagoudar directed the Uttar Pradesh government to take steps to fill up the assistant teachers post except for 37,339 posts which have to be kept vacant.
It had asked the state government to explain through a chart detailing the vacancies and the chronology of events in the process which was undertaken for the appointments.
It issued a notice in all the matters and asked the state to reply by 14th July, on how many shiksha mitras are presently working in the state and appeared in the instant selection process, the number of shiksha mitras securing above 45% or more than 40% in reserved category and roll numbers of those.
The top court had asked the Uttar Pradesh government to explain as to why it changed the earlier criteria of 45 per cent cut-off marks for the general category and 40 per cent for the reserved category.
It clarified further that the ones who are presently holding their posts as Assistant Teachers shall not be disturbed but the state is at liberty to fill up remaining posts by instant selection. The concerned candidates can also file their responses within a week.