New Delhi:While hearing the bail plea of former Bhushan Steel CFO, Nitin Johri, the Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India, SA Bobde, told Johri's lawyer, Mukul Rohatgi, to approach the High Court and not the apex court.
"Our jurisdiction should not be used like this by people. Issues should be raised before the High Court. This is an appellate court."
Solicitor General, Tushar Mehta, also contended before the court that in serious economic matters like this one where thousands of crores are involved, instead of Section 438 plea for bail, they file Article 32 plea challenging the PMLA provisions and therefore, on parity bail granting issue remains.
Rohtagi opposed saying that the apex court has upheld the right to move Article 32 plea and how can he be stopped from doing that.
"How can they say half the people go to SC and others go to HC?," questioned Rohtagi.