New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India, SA Bobde, asked the Solicitor General, Tushar Mehta, to look into a petition by a father, which highlights the criminal activities done by babas in the akharas, and sought to rescue his daughter along with 170 women from Adhyatmika Vidyala at Rohini, Delhi.
"See what can be done, this gives a bad name to everyone," remarked CJI and adjourned the matter for hearing after two weeks.
The petition stated that in July 2015, his daughter came from abroad to pursue higher education in medicine. Later, she got trapped in the clutches of a fake Baba Virendra Dixit in Delhi and the last few years. The baba has been staying in the ashram spiritual school in Rohini area of Delhi. This baba has been on the run for three years on charges of rape.