New Delhi: The Supreme court on Thursday accepted the DGCA's proposal of refunding the amount for cancelled air tickets booked during the lockdown period of March 25 to May 24. The court clarified that in case a ticket is booked through a travel agent then the voucher will be available to the passenger through the agent and credit shall also be available through an agent.
The bench led by Justice Ashok Bhushan pronounced the verdict today in response to a bunch of petitions filed by Pravasi legal cell, travel agents, passengers etc regarding the refund.
In case of tickets booked between March 25 to May 24 and for travel in the same period(domestic and international) the airlines shall refund the amount within 3 weeks and without any cancellation charges. In case the tickets are booked through agents, the immediate refund has to be given by the airlines which should be transferred to the passengers.
For tickets booked at any point of time for travelling after May 24, the refund shall be governed by Civil Aviation Requirements(CAR).