Jodhpur (Rajasthan): Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who is reportedly set to appear in the Jodhpur Court of District and Sessions on Friday for his next hearing in the blackbuck poaching case, has been threatened of murder by a social media user in a Facebook post.
The threat post, which has been posted on a group in facebook called Sopu group, warned Salman that he could escape from India law but not from the law of Bishnoi group.
The threat post was posted by one Gary Shooter, carried a photo of Salman Khan with a red cross and the message in Hindi.
"Salman you may think that you are above the Indian law, but the Bishnoi community and Suopu party has given you a death sentence. You are guilty in Sopu court," the post read.
Reacting on the death threat given by the gangster, Jodhpur DCP Dharmendra Singh Yadav said, "We step up our security if we get input regarding a special threat after doing an assessment. We will investigate this matter."
"We have social media cell for this...If we get a special input then we will pro-actively neutralize that threat," he said.