New Delhi: Widening its probe in Roshni scam cases in Jammu and Kashmir, the CBI has registered four preliminary enquiries into the alleged non-compliance of high court directives by officials of the Jammu Development Authority (JDA) and others to "cover up" the complicity in illegal acts of encroachment of land.
The first enquiry registered by the CBI relates to matter pertaining to the encroachment on 784 kanals, 17 marla of land in Gole, tehsil Jammu which was transferred to JDA.
A preliminary enquiry (PE) is the first step initiated by the CBI to assess criminality in prima facie allegations levelled by a complainant. If the allegations appear to be serious enough, the agency proceeds with an FIR or else the PE is closed.
On April 24, 2014, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court had directed the deputy commissioners of Jammu, Samba, Udhampur, Srinagar, Budgam and Pulwama districts to submit the compliance report on handing over the relevant record of the present case to the vigilance director, who was enquiring into the matter.
In spite of subsequent repeated directives of the high court, no action was initiated by the competent authorities.
"The above court proceedings establish the reluctance of these senior officers and all authorities revenues, Jammu Development Authority etc. to assist the inquiry, which reluctance in fact tantamount to obstruction and hurdles created by these authorities to prevent disclosure of the truth, protect law breakers and facilitate misappropriation of public properties of which they were guardians.
"Such acts and omissions of these officials tantamount to complicity in the illegal acts and criminal offences. These officers in the State have flouted court orders with impunity," the high court had noted while handing over the probe to the CBI.
The second preliminary enquiry registered by the CBI pertained to alleged encroachment on 154 kanals of land and its conversion to commercial use by a businessman named Bansi Lal Gupta in collusion with unidentified JDA officials and private persons, officials said.
Gupta has allegedly covered the JDA land with plinth and four walls but managed to get rights under the Roshni Act.
"Since the land was duly recorded JDA land in the revenue record and in view of /bar contained in Section 3(b), the case in hand for conferment of ownership rights should have been rejected at the threshold on this score only by the then district collector, Jammu," the high court had noted and sought a response which was not furnished by authorities.
The divisional commissioner of Jammu in August had filed a response stating that a committee has been formed to resolve the matter.
"We have strong apprehension that the JDA and the revenue authorities have now commenced a huge cover-up exercise now," the high court had noted.