New Delhi:The Congress party took a swipe on BJP's Bhopal candidate, Pragya Thakur, soon after Jui Navare, daughter of Hemant Karkare, spoke out against Pragya Thakur's controversial statement.
"Replying to such derogatory comments of people like Sadhvi Pragya is below dignity," said the Congress party.
Congress' Rajya Sabha MP, Abhishek Manu Singhvi said, "When people like Sadhvi Pragya comment upon the brave soldiers, who lost their lives while fighting for the country, there's no need of their families to respond to such comments. It's below to their dignity. On one side, there is a brave soldier and on the other, there is an NIA accused, who is contesting elections on bail. Replying to her comments will be equivalent to degrade your level."