Earlier, Realme tweeted about the launch of Narzo 10 & !0A. The launch was scheduled for April, 21st, 2020 @ 12.30 p.m. However,Madhav Sheth Realme CEO, tweeted that due to the latest news of the Government suspending E-commerce for non essentials, Realme is postponing the launch until further notice.
Realme Narzo 10 &10A launch postponed
Due to the revised guidelines by the government prohibiting supply of Non-Essential Items through e-Commerce under Lockdown Restrictions to fight COVID-19, Realme has postponed the launch of Realme Narzo 10& 10A. The new date of launch has not been declared by the company.
Realme Narzo 10 &10A launch postponed
Realme Narzo, the next leap of Realme smartphones, is especially designed for the Generation-Z with interesting features. To know more about the features of the Realme Narzo Series, click on the link below:-