New Delhi:Senior BJP leader LK Advani, who led a rath yatra in 1990 for construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya, said on Tuesday that a dream close to his heart is getting fulfilled with bhoomi puja for the temple on Wednesday and it was an historical and emotional day for him and all Indians.
Advani said it was his belief that the temple will inspire all Indians to imbibe Lord Ram's virtues and it will represent India as a strong prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious nation with justice for all, an exclusion of none for ushering "Ram Rajya".
In a video message, the former Deputy Prime Minister said sometimes significant dreams in one's life take a long time to fruition and when they are finally realised, the wait becomes very worthwhile. "Sometimes significant dreams in one's life take a long time to fruition. But when they are finally realised, the wait becomes very worthwhile. One such dream was close to my heart is now getting fulfilled.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is laying the foundation stone for the construction of Shri Ram Mandir in Ayodhya the birthplace of Shri Ram," he said.
Also Read: Ram Temple 'Bhoomi-poojan' preparations in full swing
The BJP leader said that a grand temple for Lord Ram at Ramjanmbhoomi has been "a desire and mission for the BJP". "It is indeed a historical and emotional day not only for me but for all Indians. It is my belief that this temple will inspire all Indians to imbibe his virtues. It is also my belief that Shri Ram Temple will represent India as a strong prosperous, peaceful, and harmonious nation with justice for all, an exclusion of none so that we can truly usher Ram rajya, the epitome of good governance. May Shri Ram bless India and its people always. Jai Shri Ram!" he said.