New Delhi: The Congress on Monday criticised the Rajya Sabha deputy chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh, accusing him of running the House at the "behest of the Prime Minister's Office", after eight opposition party leaders were suspended for creating ruckus in the Parliament while opposing the Farm Bills.
Earlier on Sunday, 12 opposition parties had also moved a no-confidence motion against the deputy chairman for denying a division of votes on the passage of two agriculture sector bills. However, Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu rejected the no-confidence motion today, saying that it was "not in proper format".
While addressing the media, Congress' Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said, "We are entitled to ask for division of votes as per the rules enshrined in the Parliamentary system. At the behest of PMO, house is being run. Newly elected Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, had some obligations to oblige the government. He tried to muzzle the voice of opposition parties."
"If it is found that the deputy chairman is playing a partisan role then it is the onus upon us to check him by the instruments available with us. It is within the ambit of Parliamentary rights and democratic system. I condemn this kind of expulsion of MPs of Rajya Sabha in such a brazen manner," he added.
Read:RS uproar over Farm Bills is anti-democratic: Rattan Lal Kataria
Reacting over the suspension of Rajya Sabha MPs, the Congress leader said, "In order to divert the attention from the plight of farmers, the government is displaying the commotion inside Rajya Sabha as if we did not know how to run the Parliament. Congress party is very much accustomed to the practices of Parliament."
Congress Chief Spokesperson and newly appointed General Secretary, Randeep Singh Surjewala said, "To save the monarchy of PM Modi, the government is murdering the democracy of this country. Elected democracy has now become one sided autocracy. The way in which eight MPs of Rajya Sabha got suspended this morning and the way in which voice of opposition parties are being muzzled, this country will never forgive the Modi Government."