New Delhi:The Indian Railways on Sunday issued guidelines regarding the operation of 'Shramik special trains', deployed to transport workers, pilgrims, tourists, students and other persons stranded at different places in the country amid lockdown to their respective destinations. Zonal Railways will run these trains as per the demand of state administration.
As per the guidelines issued by the Union Railways Ministry, Railways will print train tickets to the specified destination as per the number of passengers indicated by the originating state. The local state government authorities will handover tickets to passengers and collect ticket fare and handover total amount to the Railways.
The guidelines further mentioned: It will be mandatory for all passengers to wear face covers/face masks.
For trains with a long journey beyond 12 hours, one meal will be provided by the Railways.
The originating states will provide adequate security at the designated station to ensure that only those passengers, who have been cleared by the state government to travel and have valid tickets for the journey should enter station premises.