New Delhi:Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, on Friday, wrote a letter to the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal, seeking assistance for the students living in the residential facilities of educational institutions, as the Government has announced complete lockdown throughout the country in the wake of Coronavirus pandemic.
In his letter, Rahul Gandhi said, "In the light of the National lockdown a significant number of students staying in hostels and other residential facilities of schools and Institutions of Higher Education have been unable to go home." The Wayanad MP further stated, " I have received several request from parents to ensure the well-being of their children staying in residential facilities. Currently, 20 students from my parliamentary constituency are studying in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Nainital as part of the migration programme linked between JNVs in different linguistic regions."
Gandhi also talked to it's Principal to ensure about the measures that are being taken there for the well-being of students.
He requested to the HRD Ministry to issue instructions to educational institutions with residential facilities to facilitate regular communication between students and their families.