Ambala: Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij launched a verbal attack on former Congress President Rahul Gandhi and said that he needs to know nation's history, adding that he is still an amateur in politics
Vij mocked the Wayanad MP, advising him to revise and learn history lessons from knowledgeable and learned people.
The statement of the BJP leader came a day after Rahul Gandhi slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that China has taken our land and govt is behaving like Chamberlin.
Praising Modi's government efforts to save nation's integrity, Anil Vij said, "China had intruded Indian territory when Congress was in power. Modi govt has worked tirelessly to save India's integrity and sovereignty. BJP govt never allowed China to stake their claim on Indian territory."
Taking it to Twitter, the Congress leader had earlier said, "China has taken our land and GOI is behaving like Chamberlain. This will further embolden China. India is going to pay a huge price because of GOI’s cowardly actions."