New Delhi: BJP President Jagat Prakash Nadda on Monday said that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has not attended a single meeting of the Standing Committee on Defence, however, he continues to demoralise the nation and question the valour of the armed forces.
"Rahul Gandhi does not attend a single meeting of Standing Committee on Defence. But sadly, he continues to demoralise the nation, question the valour of our armed forces and do everything that a responsible opposition leader should not do," Nadda tweeted.
"Rahul Gandhi belongs to that glorious dynastic tradition where as far as defence is concerned, committees don't matter, only commissions do. Congress has many deserving members who understand parliamentary matters but one dynasty will never let such leaders grow. Really sad," Nadda added.
Rahul Gandhi had on Friday said that the voices of "patriotic Ladakhis" must be heard and ignoring them would cost India "dearly".