Hyderabad: The LB Nagar traffic police personnel of Rachakonda Commissionerate conducted an awareness program at Kothapet Circle, in Hyderabad on Thursday about the measures to be taken to contain the spread of coronavirus.
In a video posted on their Facebook page, when the signal turned red, the traffic police were seen educating the public about maintaining personal hygiene where the cops advised the public to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds before consuming food.
They also advised the public should use their elbows while coughing or sneezing and no one should shake hands with others but should greet others by saying Namaste.
The video received over 31,000 views, over 1,000 shares, and 54 comments.
The video received a positive response from the public. The public heaped praise at the Rachakonda Police for the initiative.
"Great initiative by the Rachakonda Police department," one person commented. Another person said that it is now the public's turn to support the police and the government. The comment read, "The Govt is doing (a) good job. Now it is our responsibility to help/support the government."