New Delhi: Criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi again for shooting a film at a time when the Pulwama terror attack took place earlier this year, Congress leader Manish Tewari on Monday urged the Discovery Channel to put out in public the timing of shoot of 'Man Vs Wild' episode featuring the Prime Minister.
"If you would recall when the Pulwama incident took place, at that point in time also we had pointed it out that when the Prime Minister addressed the public meeting at 5:15 pm in the evening that day, he did not condemn the Pulwama incident, he did not pay obeisance to the martyrs, and did not warn Pakistan," Tewari said.
"So, it obviously led to two inescapable conclusions - first that the Prime Minister was unaware even two hours after the incident that such a huge terrorist attack has taken place and if the Prime Minister was aware, then it reflected gross insensitivity by not condemning the incident on the first occasion that he got, the first occasion was the public meeting that he was holding," he added.
Tewari said, "Now with this particular film ready to be telecast on August 12, I think it is incumbent upon Discovery Channel to really put it out in the public space that on that particular day, for how many hours and from what time to what time, did the shooting of this particular film take place."