Kapurthala (Punjab) The Punjab police has arrested gangster Baljinder Singh Billa, who allegedly has links to the now reportedly deceased Pakistan-based Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) chief Harmeet Singh Happy, and recovered huge cache of arms.
According to reports, at least six people were arrested and the list includes gangster Sukhjinder and five other members of the Billa gang. The large consignment of highly sophisticated weapons were reportedly smuggled in from Pakistan, as well as drug money, reportedly smuggled from across border at different times through several modes, including drones.
According to DGP Punjab Dinkar Gupta, the arrests were made in a joint operation by the OCCU team from Chandigarh, Counter Intelligence Jalandhar Unit and Kapurthala Police yesterday. All the arrested accused have been kept separately as they are being tested for COVID-19 by a special team of doctors.
The list of recoveries include two 30 bore Drum Machine Guns, three Pistols (Marked Sig Sauer made in Germany), two Glock Pistols (made in Austria), two 30 bore Pistols, one 32 bore Pistol, one .315 bore Rifle, 341 live Cartridges and two drum magazines, 14 Pistol magazines along with drug-money of three lakhs eight hundred eighteen rupees and one hundred Australian dollars, said Gupta.