New Delhi: Justice NV Ramana, the second senior most judge of the Supreme Court, on Saturday said that the public perception that judges lead a life of luxury in their ivory towers is incorrect and added that they have to balance their social lives to be independent.
"There seems to be a misunderstanding that judges lead a life of luxury in their ivory towers. That is not true. Judges have to balance their social lives in order to be independent," Justice Ramana said while delivering a lecture at a book release function.
Justice Ramana said that nowadays judges have become a soft target of criticism and especially with the proliferation of social media, he said, "judges have seemed to become subject to juicy gossip."
The senior Supreme Court judge was speaking at a function for the release of a book titled "Judiciary, Judges, and the administration of Justice" written by a former judge of the Supreme Court, Justice (Retired) R Banumathi.
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Justice Ramana said that the judges are self-restraint to speak on issues and the institution (judiciary). Praising the book of Justice (R) Banumathi, Justice Ramana said that she has immense experience in the bench and to the institution of the judiciary.
"She worked tirelessly for 32 years, rendering justice to litigants. She is a fearless and dynamic judge," he said.
Chief Justice of India (CJI) Sharad Arvind Bobde, while releasing the book, said that this is a unique book as it gives valuable insight into this colossal institution of the Judiciary.
CJI Bobde said that she worked in the judiciary over three decades. She started working when she was only 33-year-old and goes on to map her judicial career. He said that her experience is diverse, she has learnt something different, something new, and many new aspects.
Describing her qualities as a sincere judge, CJI Bobde, said that her dedication, determination, devotion for the cause of the judiciary is immense. For judges, the biggest challenge is that how this institution receives the goals, the Constitution sets for it, the CJI said.
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