In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, Kurshid remarked that Priyanka's formal entry, during the mega rally in Uttar Pradesh, has showcased the message of forming a clean government aimed at the welfare of the people and the country.
"Modi's black magic will not work this time and Priyanka's positive magic will attract people towards Congress. Though, are several small and big parties at present in the country, Congress undoubtedly is the largest party, when we talk about the national front. Even if Congress is facing one of the worst times today, we have 44 members in Lok Sabha and the leader of the opposition hails from the Congress party," he added.
Kurshid further said that there was positive energy flowing among party workers after Priyanka's entry, as many of them have been anticipating the move for several years. "She (Priyanka) has the thinking style of Indira Gandhi which has reflected in her works and hence, the results will be obvious the way it was for Indira Ji," he stated.
Adding into it he claimed that, Priyanka Gandhi's great launch of 'Mission UP' had influenced the political scenario of the entire country and the Congress party was moving forward with other non-BJP parties to remove the present government with the intention of forming an honest government in Delhi.