New Delhi: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday took a jibe at Congress saying that their party leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had 'chickened out' from contesting against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi, and remarked that the country has been denied the opportunity to see that "it does not accept inexperienced dynasts with no other credentials."
In a blog post "Refuge in Wayanad and a Refuge Away From Varanasi - The Story of a Family Dynasty", Jaitley said that two major political developments took place on Thursday. The first, he said, was the "huge road show" of Modi at Varanasi and the second was "surreptitious announcement" by the Congress of fielding a political lightweight against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) stalwart.
"The build-up of the last two weeks had been that Priyanka Gandhi would be fielded against the Prime Minister. She rejoiced in giving daily bytes to the media that she was ready to take on the Prime Minister. Her brother claimed that the party was building up the suspense for an eventual thriller," Jaitley said.
"Obviously, she quietly chickened out of the contest. I am deeply disappointed with the Congress party's decision of not fielding Priyanka Gandhi from Varanasi. The last two months that she has been in the public life has driven home the point -- 'India has changed, dynasties don't matter'," he wrote.
Jaitley said that the myths about Priyanka Gandhi stand eroded.
He said that India's conventional wisdom has been "bund mutthi to laakh ki, khul gayi to khaak ki" (a hidden thing is worth a lakh but once opened it has no value) and the myth of "Priyanka will make a difference" was worth a lakh.
"Today, the myth has lost its value. The cards are out in the open for public scrutiny," he said.
The BJP leader said that the Gandhis must introspect the plight of Amethi and Rae Bareli in the last 40 years and compare it to what the Prime Minister has done in Varanasi in the past five years.