New Delhi: Amid the leadership crisis within Congress, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, party's General Secretary in-charge, stated in an interview for a book that she completely agreed to the viewpoint of his brother Rahul Gandhi of appointing a non-Gandhi as Congress President.
"As my brother said very clearly in his resignation letter post-elections that, he thinks... he should take responsibility for the last election. And perhaps not in the letter but elsewhere, he has said that none of us should be the president of the party and I'm in full agreement with him. I think the party should find its own path also," Priyanka said.
The Congress leader had given an interview for the recently released book, India Tomorrow: Conversations with the Next Generation of Political Leaders, by Harsh Shah and Pradeep Chibber.
While mentioning that there are "plenty of people" who are capable of leading the party, she said that even if there would be another party president than a Gandhi, he would still be her "boss". She further added, "If he tells me tomorrow that he doesn't want me in Uttar Pradesh but wants me to be in Andaman and Nicobar, then I would jolly well to go to Andaman and Nicobar."
Rahul Gandhi resigned from the post of Congress Chief by owing to the party's debacle in 2019 Lok Sabha elections, after which Sonia Gandhi was being appointed as the interim party president. However, in the previous weeks, there has been a demand within the party to conduct an election for Congress President.