New Delhi:Privatisation of airports by the civil aviation ministry, regulations for flying drones and online security clearances by the country's aviation watchdog, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), has brought more transparency in the sector Modi government's second term.
" After the bidding of six airports under public-private partnership (PPP), the blueprint is also ready and this will not only bring a lot of investment but also improve the condition of airports and make them world standard," said the aviation expert Subhash Goyal.
Goyal said that only those companies can run airports who have deep pockets because airports need huge investment. He said the decision to go for the privatisation of airports had no harm as the PPP model is working efficiently in Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Bangalore airports.
Showing his concern over expensive air-travel cost in India, Goyal opined there had to be a capping of the fares as it had become more expensive than international flights during the peak season.