New Delhi: Hailing President Ram Nath Kovind's Independence Day eve speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that his remarks encapsulate the spirit of 130 crore Indians and highlight the path ahead to build a strong, prosperous and united nation.
"Insightful speech by Rashtrapati Ji. His remarks encapsulate the spirit of 130 crore Indians and highlight the path ahead to build a strong, prosperous and united nation," Modi tweeted after the President's speech.
In his address to the nation on the eve of the 74th Independence Day, President Kovind said while India believes in peace it is also capable of giving a befitting response to any attempt of aggression as shown by its troops in Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh after "some in our neighbourhood" tried to carry out their "misadventure of expansion", in a veiled message to China.