New Delhi:India on Tuesday said that it has conveyed its strong protest to Pakistan over the announcement of elections to the 'so-called Gilgit-Baltistan' legislative assembly next month, holding that the 'cosmetic exercises' are intended to camouflage the 'illegal' occupation of the region by Islamabad.
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said that the actions like holding of elections in the region can neither hide the 'illegal occupation' of parts of Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh by Islamabad nor the 'grave human rights violations and exploitation' of people in Pakistan-Occupied-Kashmir.
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Pakistan has announced that elections for the legislative assembly of Gilgit-Baltistan will be held on November 15.
"The government of India has conveyed its strong protest to the government of Pakistan and reiterated that the entire Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, including the areas of so-called Gilgit and Baltistan, are an integral part of India under its accession in 1947," the MEA said in a statement.
The MEA said that Pakistan has no locus standi on territories 'illegally and forcibly occupied' by it.