Lucknow: In the wee hours of Wednesday, UP police forcibly removed the anti-CAA women protesters and detained men and a five-year-old child from the iconic clock tower (Ghantaghar) in Lucknow which entered its 47th day.
According to sources, Police reached the sit-in site late night and started lathi-charge on the people who were standing there and arrested Samajwadi Party's former minister Yameen Khan including several others.
An anti- CAA woman protesters accused the police of arbitrarily and illegally detaining a five-year-old girl along with men and later in the midway, police threw the child from the jeep, sources said.
Police lathi-charge anti-CAA protesters in Lucknow Another woman protester, Ujma Parveen said that she was taken into custody along with her husband late at night. On the way to the police station, police left her somewhere on the road and took her husband. Since then, the police is not giving any information about her husband.
Women protesters accused police of removing protesters by force in the midnight operation.
However, after this incident, the police issued a written statement saying that the people caught by the police have been wanted in previous cases and no child has been picked up by the police. No common public has been caught.
ALSO READ:SC interlocuters visit Shaheen Bagh to meet anti CAA protestors