New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with SVANidhi beneficiaries from Uttar Pradesh via video conferencing on Tuesday and said that the street vendors are becoming self-sufficient, 'Atmanirbhar' with the help of this scheme. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also participated in the event via video conferencing.
"While interacting with the beneficiaries of the PM SVANidhi scheme, I realised that they are happy but surprised at the same time. Earlier, people used to visit banks multiple times in order to avail the loans. Poor people could not imagine stepping inside the bank but today people are easily getting a loan to start their work," said PM Modi.
"While interacting with the beneficiaries, I noticed that Preeti (beneficiary) who is very less educated is learning advanced technology with confidence and is working to take her business on a large scale. These people are the strength of our country who help in taking the country ahead," he added.
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