New Delhi:Ahead of the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Pakistani sister Qamar Mohsin Sheikh sent a rakhi to him.
Qamar said, "In this Corona period, I will first look for the safety of my brother. We shouldn't mind because of the current situation in the country. If it had been possible, he would have called me definitely. I have sent my Rakhi to him by courier along with a letter. I pray for long life for him. He should keep on working like this only. I pray to Allah for his good and healthy life."
Expressing her wish, she said, "I feel he will interact with me on a video call on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan."
She said, "A sister can only wish for the good life of her brother and she can tie Rakhi by herself but the situation is changed this time. I regret that this will be our 25th Raksha Bandhan and I couldn't tie Rakhi by myself this year because of the pandemic. I pray he keeps doing good work for the people and people bless him."