New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote a letter to teenage golfer from Noida Arjun Bhati appreciating his contribution to the PM-CARES fund - a fund created to fight COVID-19 in the country - by selling all his 102 trophies that he had won in golf tournaments over the years.
“At a time when the country is battling the coronavirus pandemic, the donation made by you to the PM-CARES Fund boosts our morale,” read the letter.
In response to the letter, the junior golfer released a video thanking PM Modi for his gesture while encouraging others to come forward and contribute in whatever they can to fight the disease.
“If someone is appreciated for his/her efforts, it motivates them to do better in their field of work or towards humanity. The letter written to me by PM Modi has inspired me to do better in life, “ said Bhati in his video message.