New Delhi: Congress MP and former Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram said that that Prime Minister would have 'no option but to again address the nation and announce tougher social and economic measures' to contain the spread of COVID-19.
While supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's initiative to observe a 'Janta curfew', Chidambaram told reporters, "I think the Prime Minister was testing the waters. He would be compelled to come back in a few days to announce tougher social and economic measures which I also tweeted on Thursday."
"I have the feeling that the PM will come back in the next few days to announce tougher social and economic measures," he tweeted. "I am duty bound to support the PM. In effect, the PM has asked the people to wage the war against COVID with moral armaments. We shall do so on Sunday and in the following days," he said.
With regards to the industries struggling due to the coronavirus pandemic, he said: "I think the government is yet underprepared. I think they have no option but to come back with announcements in the next three-four days."