New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday inaugurated 1.75 lakh houses built under the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Gramin) in Madhya Pradesh along with Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and said that the scheme was meant to empower the poor.
Modi inaugurated the houses through a videoconference from Delhi and interacted with the beneficiary.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said: "Today, the entire state is cheerful and happy. The Prime Minister today fulfilled the dreams of thousands of poor people of Madhya Pradesh."
Interacting with a beneficiary, Pyarelal, the Prime Minister asked: "Did you ever think that you will get your own house? And what did you cook on the occasion of housewarming at your new house?"
Pyarelal replied that he felt assured after he saw other beneficiaries get homes from the government. He also said that he had cooked food and also ordered some sweets.
Modi then asked when he got approval for the new house under the government scheme, to which Pyarelal said that the approval was accorded in 2019 and he got it 15 days before the deadline.
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The Prime Minister also enquired if any middlemen had tried to the money from him, to which Pyarelal replied in the negative.