New Delhi: ETV Bharat has launched on Tuesday, a special video song as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary.
The song has been launched by Ramoji Group of Companies Chairman, Ramoji Rao.
The video is a rendition of Vaishnav Jan to tene re kahiye, je peed parayee jane re, Par dukhe upkaar kare toye man abhimaan na aane re” (He is called a true “Vaishnav” who feels the suffering of another human being, and forgets that he has favoured people without taking pride over it) one of the favourite bhajans of Mahatma Gandhi.
Many prominent leaders retweeted the song launched by ETV Bharat -
Prime Minister Narendra Modi retweeted ETV Bharat Hindi's story and lauded ETV Bharat's peace initiative on 150th anniversary of Gandhi.
Union Minister of Railways and Commerce & Industry Piyush Goyal has retweeted the song launched by ETV Bharat on the eve of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu retweeted saying, "The video beautifully captures the diversity of the country. I applaud ETV Bharat and all the artists for this befitting and brilliant tribute to the Mahatma."