New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched the “Har Gaon Optical Fibre Cable” project to connect 45,945 villages of Bihar with Optical Fibre for providing high-speed internet. The project would enable the digital revolution to reach the farthest corner of the State.
Prime Minister termed the day as not only historic for Bihar but for the entire country as the Government is taking major steps to make its villages the mainstay of AtmaNirbharBharat and that this is starting from Bihar today.
The Prime Minister said India is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of digital transactions. In August 2020 alone about Rs 3 Lakh Crore worth transactions were made through UPI. With the increase in internet usage, now it is also necessary that the villages of the country have good quality, high-speed internet.
Explaining the benefits that accrue through the speedier connectivity, Prime Minister said it would provide access to best of the reading material to the students, along with access to tele-medicine and access to information on seeds, new techniques nationwide markets to the farmers apart from real-time data on weather conditions. Farmers can also easily transport their produce all over the country and world, he said.
The Prime Minister said the aim of the Government is to provide Urban facilities to rural areas of the country.
This project will be implemented in a short span of 180 days and will be completed by 31.03.2021 at an approximate cost of Rs 1,000 Crore through CSC SPV providing 1 Wi-Fi and 5 FTTH connections for one year free of cost to identified Government Institutions, Primary Schools, Anganwadi Centres, Aasha Workers and Jeevika Didi etc. and one Wi-Fi at a public place in every village of Bihar. For this, Rs 640 crore of capital expenditure will be borne by the Department of Telecommunications, Government of India.
Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad thanked Prime Minister for dedicating various developmental schemes in multiple areas in Bihar, which has been unprecedented for the state. Minister also emphasised on the role CSC is playing in the digital delivery of services especially in Bihar.