New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed the Union Finance Ministry to treat as a representation a petition seeking prohibition of the use of active Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accounts as a sole criterion for identification of poor persons for direct bank transfer schemes, including for cash transfers under the Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Yojana.
The petitioner emphasized that an active Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana account is a prerequisite for availing benefits of this ex-gratia amount announced by the Union Government, but this is exclusionary as crores of poor women do not possess the account.
"Consequently, such persons have been rendered ineligible to avail benefits of welfare schemes announced for poor women by the Finance Minister wherein cash would be transferred only in accounts of women who are active PMJDY account holders," the petition filed by one Aakash Goel stated.
He sought a direction from the court to amend the eligibility criterion for the opening of the PMJDY accounts and include persons who already have other type of accounts so as to enable them to avail benefits of welfare schemes.
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Counsel for the petitioner submitted that if a woman does not have the Jan Dhan account, but is economically backwards, the benefit of PMJDY should be extended to her. "To that extent, the PMJDY requires amendment."