New Delhi A plea has been filed in the Supreme court seeking directions to the government and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) to cancel board examination, tests or any assignments like the CBSE, ICSE and other colleges have done.
It seeks to declare marks immediately as per the internal assessment and keeping the admissions in colleges open until the NIOS students submit their results.
Filed by the father of a student enrolled with NIOS, the petition informs the court of the Institute's decision to postpone, not cancel, Secondary and Senior Secondary Board examinations on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was notified on June 30.
There are 5-6 lakh students enrolled with NIOS, informs the petitioner, and their lives will be adversely affected due to the action/inaction of the authorities, argues the plea. Invoking Fundamental Rights of the aggrieved, it is reiterated that "students, for no fault of theirs, may stand to lose one year as they will not be able to obtain admission to further studies after school unlike others".