New Delhi: A plea has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking direction to the Centre to utilise the Indian community welfare fund (ICWF), aimed at assisting overseas Indian nationals in times of distress and emergency, for repatriation of economically weaker citizens who are stranded abroad due to COVID-19 pandemic.
The government has decided to facilitate the return of Indians stranded abroad in a phased manner using aircraft and naval ships but is going to charge fare for such repatriation, it said.
The petition, filed by NGO Pravasi Legal Cell, has claimed that a vast majority of Indian expatriates in Gulf countries are involved in low-skilled labour and are struggling to meet their basic needs in the dire jobless situation arising out of the COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic.
"Fixing fare for repatriation of at the time of distress would further put burden on the migrant labourers who are already out of job and proper shelter, putting them in a vulnerable condition living abroad," the plea, filed through advocate Jose Abraham, said.
The plea said that the government authorities should use the ICWF, set up in 2009, which is aimed at assisting overseas Indian nationals in times of distress and emergency in the 'most deserving cases' on a 'means tested basis' for repatriating poor migrant labourers.