Jaipur: The Congress on Tuesday sacked Sachin Pilot from the posts of Rajasthan's deputy chief minister and the party's state unit chief. Cracking the whip on the rebel party leader, the party also removed his loyalists Vishvendra Singh and Ramesh Meena from the state cabinet.
Speaking to reporters Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said: "High command was compelled to take the decision because since a long time BJP was conspiring and resorting to horse-trading. We knew it was a big conspiracy; now some of our friends went astray because of it and went to Delhi."
After Gehlot met Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra at Raj Bhawan in Jaipur, the Governor has accepted the resignations of all three party members.
"I regret that Sachin Pilot and some of his associates have been swayed by BJP's plot and are now conspiring to topple the Congress government elected by eight crore Rajasthanis. It is unacceptable," Surjewala said.
Soon after Pilot was sacked from the party, he tweeted: "Truth can be troubled but not defeated."
Govind Singh Dotasra has been appointed as the new PCC chief, Surjewala announced.
"Our very experienced and capable worker, who was born in a farmer's family and today he is serving as Rajasthan's Education Minister--Govind Singh Dotasra has been appointed as Rajasthan PCC Chief," said Surjewala.
READ: Rajasthan BJP leaders hold meeting to discuss Congress crisis
"Our fellow MLA Ganesh Gogra is appointed as the new President of Rajasthan Prant Yuva Congress. Hem Singh Shekhawat has been appointed as the President of Rajasthan Pradesh Seva Dal. Congress Policy is not based on people but on policies and principles. Our government is based on the opinion of the people of Rajasthan," he added. Surjewala assured that for the whole five years, the Congress government would serve the people of Rajasthan.