New Delhi: A PIL has been moved in the Supreme Court seeking directions to the central government to start house-to-house testing for COVID-19, starting from states and cities which are most exposed and affected by the novel coronavirus including the sealed hotspots.
The petitioners have also prayed for directions to the government to transfer the funds of PMNRF, PM-Cares and CM Relief to the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) which can be utilised for procuring testing kits, PPEs, quarantine centres etc.
Citing the grounds for petition, the petitioners, advocate Shahwat Anand, Ankur Azad and Faiz Ahmad, contended that "the measure of social distancing and lockdown to avoid mass transmission and selective tests of suspected COVID-19 patients, without conducting mass tests, is like fighting a fire blindfolded".
Further, they contended that the lack of adequate tests put the lives of 1.38 billion people at peril and violates their Right to life and Personal liberty and Right to Health under Article 21 of the Constitution.