New Delhi: In the wake of coronavirus pandemic, Congress party, on Saturday, said that nationwide lockdown has created an economic "lockout" across the country, and hence, it urged the center to formulate a national plan for handling this crisis under the National Disaster Management Act, 2005.
During a press conference, senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal suggested the union government to reconsider the lockdown decision enforced in the country as it is affecting the nation's economy to a great extent. He said, "You can't have a lockdown of people, and a lockout of the economy. That's not a way to formulate policy." While citing Section 6(2)(b) of NDMA, which states that the national authority may approve the national plan, Sibal said, "As per the act, union government was duty bound to formulate the national plan to deal with COVID-19 but strangely the government has maintained conspicuous silence."
He further stated, "The union government, in absence of a national plan to deal with COVID-19, seems to have delegated its responsibilities to state governments. Without the necessary infrastructure, both human and physical, and adequate financial resources, state governments are not in a position to effectively deal with this pandemic."
Quoting Section 12 of NDMA, Sibal said, "We would like the Prime Minister to inform the people of this country about the minimum standards of relief that are required to be provided to persons affected by the disaster. Instead of discharging, its solemn responsibility is to provide succour to the poor and helpless stranded migrants, the union government has chosen to shift the onus to state governments to do what they can without a plan and without guidelines."