Haridwar: Days after notice was issued to Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev's Patanjali Ayurved asking how it got permission to make the Ayurvedic formulation for treating COVID-19, the herbal company on Tuesday took a U-turn on Coronil and issued a clarification. Patanjali said that the company had termed the drug as 'immunity booster' and said that it never made any medicine claim on COVID-19.
Brushing off the COVID-19 medicine claim, Patanjali CEO Acharya Bal Krishna, said, "We never made any medicine claim related to COVID-19. Our company took the license for immunity booster drugs. 'Divya Swasari Vati', 'Divya Coronil Tablet' and 'Divya Anu Tail' are substitutes to immunity boosters."
Krishna added, "This is an attempt to tarnish my image. We are even ready for conducting clinical trials again. NIMS University has not flouted any clinical trial norm and we have not made any false claims."
Patanjali has also denied making any Corona kit, saying that the company has promoted successful trials in the media.
Reacting to this, YS Rawat, Licence Officer, Uttarakhand Ayurved Dept, said that Patanjali printed a representative pic of coronavirus on 'Coronil' packaging.