New Delhi: A Parliamentary panel on Information Technology is scheduled to hold a meeting on June 17 during which it will be calling officials of the information and technology ministry to get a briefing on the government's coronavirus-tracking Aarogya Setu application and related issues of data security and privacy of citizens, sources said on Friday.
According to sources, the meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on IT, headed by senior Congress leaders Shashi Tharoor, was to take place on June 10 but was postponed to June 17 as there was no final decision on whether the meeting could be held via video conferencing.
During the meeting, members are also likely to call representatives of the Information and broadcasting ministry to discuss the subject of ethical standards in media coverage, sources said. However,they did not elaborate.
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology officials are also scheduled to be called to brief the members on the government's coronavirus-tracking Aarogya Setu application and issues of data security and privacy of citizens, sources said.
ALSO READ |Ministry of Electronics & IT makes Aarogya Setu an open source
Aarogya Setu app, which has been downloaded by over 10 crore users, is deployed by the government for contact-tracing and disseminating medical advisories to users in order to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Opposition leaders, including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, have raised privacy breach issues and alleged that the mobile application was a "sophisticated surveillance system", a charge strongly rejected by IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, who asserted that the Aarogya Setu app was "secure" and there was no privacy breach in it.