New Delhi: Justice Arun Mishra, during the hearing on the sentencing of advocate Prashant Bhushan convicted in a contempt case, said it was painful to read Bhushan's reply in justification of his tweets.
A Supreme Court bench headed by Justice Mishra and comprising Justices B.R. Gavai and Krishan Murari observed that if somebody like Bhushan, with experience of over 30 years, says something then people tend to believe him. The bench said people will think whatever Bhushan is saying is correct, and if it were somebody else then it was easier to ignore. But when Bhushan says something it has some effect, added the bench.
Justice Mishra noted that there is a difference between a politician and an officer of the court. He added that he is not making a comment on Bhushan, but this is something happening these days. He added, people go to the press in sub judice matters and make all kinds of comments.